When you put together a marketing campaign, what do you tend to focus on the most?

Is it the content? Is it the offers and/or promotions?

One component should be at the top of your list is the design.

You know how important a first impression is. Well, the visual design for your campaign acts as the first impression.

When it comes to printing, you want to make sure you choose a design which is going to attract potential customers and draw them in.

Heaven forbid your design is offensive, confusing, or dare we say it – boring.

But how can you be sure you have a good design idea?

You Can Design Awesome Business Printing Projects – Here’s How to Do It

Here are a few tips from our Atlanta printing company to help you create an amazing print design every single time!

Avoid Making Your Design Too Busy

A lot of people hate to see white space on their marketing materials. Seeing white surrounding their content makes them shiver.

Really, though, white space can be utilized in a really helpful way: It forces the eye to focus on the most important thing.

We’ve seen printed materials which are so busy we don’t know where to look. Our eye is drawn in to so many different areas on the page.

This is distracting and doesn’t get your message across to the viewer.

Conversely, companies which use white space in a smart manner are able to point the viewer to the most important information on the page.

When people know what they’re supposed to be looking at, they’re more likely to get engaged with your pitch much faster.

Make Sure Your Call to Action Is Very Clear

One of the things your design should clearly point to is your call to action.

A call to action is encouragement to engage in a certain course of action. For instance, you might have a call to action at the end of your blog which encourages readers to comment on the post with their thoughts or email you with any questions.

Similarly, your print marketing materials can and should have a call to action.

Your call to action should be clear, concise, and motivational. You want your audience to be moved to take action because this will lead them one step closer to buying your product or service.

Avoid Boring Your Audience

Boring. Bland. Dull. Those are things you never want anyone to say about you, right? Then why would you create print marketing materials which can be described this way?

Unfortunately, this is what many people do.

They take the advice to simplify so they don’t overwhelm people, but they swing too far in the opposite direction.

This is not to say all simply designed campaigns are boring. Some minimalist campaigns can be quite captivating. But there’s a fine line which you have to watch out for.

Make sure when choosing colors you don’t go for really bland or monotone colors. Instead, think about using highlights and contrast if you’re going for a minimalist color palette.

Choose the Right Printing Company

Finally, you want to choose the right paper. Quality paper and printing services can make or break your design.

Inferior products make your design look cheap. And potential customers won’t be impressed by something which looks like you printed it out at home in your spare time.

Choose a printing company which uses high-quality paper and ink. Ask to see samples of their work so you can see whether you want to invest with them or not.

Are You Having Fun? It Will Show In Your Projects

Besides the design and content, another thing you have to keep in mind with your marketing print campaigns is to have fun.

Yes, you want to be professional, to be sure.

But if you don’t have fun when creating your products or designs, it will show.

Why is this such a big deal?

It’s because potential customers can tell when someone is just going through the motions or if they’re really passionate about a project.

When you are excited about the work you have in front of you, it translates into your design. And this is what draws people in.

If you’re not excited, your work will end up feeling boring or like you’re trying too hard.

Passionate design may not be necessarily easy, but it flows better and brings more joy. This is the type of product and company most consumers want to work with.

So, the next time you have a design and print project – whether it’s for a new marketing campaign or just some new business cards – make sure you have some fun with it.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for help on creating your next printing project!