Have you evaluated your printing needs lately? If so, you might have noticed there’s something lacking.

Even if you think your current printing investment is sufficient, there’s something you might want to consider: Wide format printing services.

Why should you invest in this type of service? And if you do choose to utilize this format, should you buy your own printer or hire a printing company?

Why You Should Invest in This Service from a Printing Company

Here are some reasons why wide format printing is something which might benefit your company.

Wide Format Printers Are Able to Produce High-Quality Images

You might think smaller format printing is more precise, thereby making the quality of the images produced the absolute best.

However, times have changed, and wide format printers now have the ability to create high-quality images.

The reason for this is because many of the wide format printers out there have what’s called “advanced droplet technology.”

This means they produce ink droplets which are literally microscopic. This increases the precision of the images created, making them crystal clear and beautiful.

You’ll Be Able to Get Your Prints Faster with This Type of Printer

When you order your print documents from a printing company, you’ll be surprised at just how fast you get results.

Wide format printers now have unparalleled speed. Just the average machine – we’re not even talking about the most advanced machines here – can produce 10-15 posters each hour.

This completely outweighs what you can do with the standard multifunction printer in your office.

As a business owner, you know time is money. Just think of how much you’ll save of both when you utilize a wide format printer.

Fewer Mistakes Will Be Made Because These Printers Distinguish Between Graphics and Text

Another reason why more businesses are interested in investing in this type of print service is because of the reduced incidences of text vs. graphic mix-ups.

In the past, printers had difficulty distinguishing between graphics and text. This could lead to a mess of a print.

Thankfully, these days, the high-tech machines we use can make this distinction, which means we can offer you the print you want – without any costly mistakes.

Wide Format Printing Is a Great Option for Multiple Types of Businesses

Nearly every business can benefit from wide format printing.

You can use posters created to advertise a multitude of events, promotions, and more.

Let everyone know you sponsor your local little league team. Or, let your customers know you’re offering a limited time service or savings on a particular product.

Whether you’re a corporation with hundreds of employees, a solopreneur, or a non-profit – wide print services can definitely help serve your printing needs.

Should You Spend Money on Your Own Printer or on Affordable Printing Services?

Considering the benefits, you might wonder if you should invest in your own wide format printer.

Actually, it is likely more affordable in the long-run to hire a printing company for your wide print needs.

The reason for this is because a wide format printer can run you from $3,500 to over $25,000.

This might fit the budget of some larger corporations, but for small businesses it’s not necessarily something they can find room for in their budget.

When it comes to purchasing equipment, you have to think about how often you’ll use it, too. Does the amount of use justify the cost? In many cases, it does not.

What’s the better option?

For most people, it’s taking advantage of affordable printing services from a printing company.

Why Spending Some of Your Printing Budget on Wide Print Services Is Good for Business

Suffice it to say, not every business needs wide print services.

However, plenty of businesses – perhaps even yours – could benefit from the services of a printing company.

Wide print materials can make you stand out and make clients take notice of what you have to offer, whether it’s new services or a limited-time promotion.

The options really are endless. Why not try going outside of your normal print services and try wide form print.

You could end up seeing increased sales and potential clientele. And who doesn’t want to see this kind of ROI from their printing investment?